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Pastor's Message



Welcome! Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


My name is Barry Johnson, and I’m privileged to serve the body of Christ as pastor of Calgary Living Word Assembly. 


I feel compelled to tell you a little about myself, not to appear to be anything great, but in the hopes that you will realize that my story is much like your own; Christ saved me, the chiefest of sinners, and He can save and change your life too.


Like every one of us, over the years I’ve seen and experienced many things. Some great experiences and some not so great. Through it all I believe God has kept me for a purpose. 


I was raised in Calgary Alberta in a Pentecostal home, but left the church at age 14 after being disillusioned by what I saw under the guise of “Christianity“. I went my own way, believing that church was a place of hypocrisy, and wanting nothing to do with it. I lived many years in confusion and despair before hearing the truth of the Message of the Hour.


In 2005 I was in a state of turmoil and depression like I had never experienced before. I was witnessed to by a coworker and invited to visit church on a Wednesday evening. In that service I heard the truth that I had been longing for, and dedicated my life to the Lord. I was delivered of cigarettes and alcohol; years of addiction were broken miraculously, never to return.


I married my wife in 2006 and we now have three wonderful boys. I know what it means to have a family in these days! For 14 years I attended church, serving in the capacity of deacon and assisting in ministry. In 2020 I was voted in as full-time pastor of Calgary Living Word Assembly. 


It is an honour and privilege to be one of many who like Paul the Apostle said, “I am a prisoner of Christ.” Paul didn’t live a very good life until he met the pillar of fire for himself on the road to Damascus. Once he did, he became a new creature IN Christ Jesus, and was never the same.


It is my desire that everyone who has the ability to hear “What the Spirit saith to the Church”, would be able to have an experience for themselves that would allow them to be transformed into a new creature. To see the power of Christ live out through their lives.


I can truly see the hand of God in my life, and I know if He can save and use me, he can do the same for you. “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see!”


My message to anyone reading this would simply be, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt 6:33


May God Bless you abundantly above all that you may ask or think is my prayer for you.


Barry Johnson

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